Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sinners, Saints and The All Knowing God

Heb 4:13...And there is no creature hidden from his sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.

Last night for me was another one of those sleepless nights. But I have come to learn one of the greatest comforts I have when things are pressing down upon my mind is to spend time in prayer and in the Word. These two are becoming to me my place of refuge. It is here where I find my comfort and my peace as though I were in the presence of the Lord, a safe haven if you will. Already earlier in the day I had a desire to delve into the book of Hebrews and so instantly I flipped to the beginning of this book and immersed myself into it. It was here as I came to the verse mentioned above that my mind began to drift away from the words on the page in front of me and my thoughts began to formulate.

This truth the writer of Hebrews was declaring of God was certainly not new. Psalm 139:2-4...You know my sitting down and my rising up, You understand my thought afar off (3) You comprehend my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways (4) for there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O Lord, You know it all together...Eze 11:5...for I know the things that come into your mind, everyone of them...  

Yet even though this truth has been known from the beginning of time, it intrigues me still, that saint an sinner alike often live as though this has little bearing upon us in the way we live out our belief in God. Cain murdered his brother and thought he could play sly with God ...am I my brothers keeperSarah laughed in unbelief when hearing that she should bear a child in her old age. Achan stole and hid gold after having been commanded by God to destroy it, and he too thought it could be hid even from the Almighty. King David went to great lengths to cover up his sin of adultery and murder only to have Nathan come and tell him...You are that man!

Not only does this intrigue me from saints and sinners of old, but what intrigues me yet more, is when I think of myself. Knowing this truth of God myself, knowing these historical accounts and seeing how God dealt with them, why is it then that I don't make more of my sins? No, I have not slain my brother, I have not laughed at God behind doors, stolen gold, nor have I committed adultery and murdered in the process, but my own sins beset me. 

If I know and understand as we are told in Num 32:23...be sure your sins will find you out... Why then, knowing God knows all things, am I not more grieved over the hidden sins of my heart which are born out of the same root as all those who actually committed the sins mentioned earlier in this post? Is it because there is an element of unbelief within me? Is it possible I do not possess the fear of the Lord as I should? Is it because I actually make less of the sacrifice made by the Lord Jesus Christ then what I might claim? Many questions, many thoughts, but of this I am sure; my spirit indeed is willing, but my flesh is weak, and o how I need the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Just some food for thought.

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