Friday, January 13, 2012

Grace Grace God's Glorious Grace

2 Peter 3:18...but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever. Amen.

Ah the beauty and the sweetness of God's grace. How rich, how sweet, how glorious. Little time is needed when reflecting upon ones own condition to realize how undeserving we are of His glorious grace. We often fall in danger of making far to little of how great God's grace truly is.

It is my experience when I examine myself of how guilty I am of making far to little of God's amazing grace. As one who has the undeserved privilege of weekly making known the riches of God's grace to his beloved church it becomes painful to realize how oft I have made so little of the greatness of His grace. It finally dawned upon me that to make little of God's grace is in actuality to make little of Jesus Christ. To make much of Jesus Christ is to make much of His grace.

This took me back to Richard Baxter's book "The Reformed Pastor" in which Baxter writing to pastors. I believe he hit the nail on the head when he wrote ..."Content not yourselves with being in the state of grace, but be also careful that your graces are kept in vigorous and lively exercise"...

This quote from Richard Baxter hit home with me when I turned my thoughts towards the verse mentioned in 2 Peter 3:18. My eyes were opened to the realization that grace that is not "vigorously and lively exercised", is grace not grown at all. If we desire to make much of the grace of God, it must be exercised. Grace exercised is to make much of grace. Grace exercised opens the door to grace increased. As we grow in our understanding of grace and the Lord Jesus Christ we must come to the place where we see that grace of God - from God, was not extended to us merely to be enjoyed as unmerited favour, but also as the power of God towards us and through us that we might exalt the Lord Jesus Christ in all His fullness. Let us therefore in the words of Richard Baxter; ..."be also careful that your graces are kept in vigorous and lively exercise"...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christians Are Seekers Of Righteousness

Isaiah 51:1...Listen to Me, you who follow after righteousness;
You who seek the Lord: Look to the rock from which you were hewn.
And to the hole of the pit from which you were dug.

Although this verse was written to Israel who time and time again find themselves being rebuked by the Lord as they sin against Him, there is a most incredible truth that we as Christians should see. 

There seems to be in our day a strange phenomenon within the Christianity and yet it is nothing new as we see that it existed in the very days of the apostles. This phenomenon that I speak of is the use of the term "Real Christian". What an interesting phrase. The fact is either you are a Christian or you are not.  

This term forever casts the Christian in a negative light and causes one to question whether the person next to them in church is a "real Christian". It compels us into a constant wondering and evaluation of all those around if they are "real Christians". With this constant ongoing battle within one's own mind in regards to others genuineness, it can cause a person to become quite cynical at times if we are not careful.

O but the Word of God leaves us these beautiful truths if we will only see them. We have this comfort from the Word of God, To seek the Lord is to seek righteousness. One cannot seek after God apart from seeking righteousness. And greater yet those that are His, bought by the precious blood of the lamb not only continue to seek after righteousness, but walk in righteousness. One is not proved to be a Christian because he calls himself one, but it is his righteous walk before God and man and when alone in the confines of quiet place that gives evidence that He is a real Christian. Let it be known, that a Christian will demonstrate acts of righteousness for he is a slave to it. Let us put aside all self - justifications of unrighteousness and let our actions speak the truth of who's children we are.

(This is a post that I had posted previously on my other blog which sadly was hacked and I no longer have access to. I have made some slight changes within it. I will be re-posting the remainder of my posts from my previous blog on this site.)